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Gia Allen

Gia Allen

Brand Support Specialist, Rochester, NY

Name: Gia Allen 

Title: Brand Support Specialist

Job Description: Support the Brand Consultants, work as a team and provide exceptional customer service to all our clients.

Favorite Part About Working for Cooley: Every day is different! Which makes for exciting days and gives you a sense of accomplishment when it is completed. There is always something new to learn. The team/family atmosphere.

Favorite Hobbies: Walking, reading, traveling with my husband, spending time with family. I love being an aunt, family is everything. Watching the NY Yankees and Buffalo Bills.

Fun Fact: I love an adventure; I bungee jumped in Las Vegas to everyone’s surprise!

Phone: 585.360.0228
Address: 1000 Pittsford-Victor Road, Pittsford, NY 14534